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Are you looking to perform at your highest level? Sports and performance psychotherapy is tailored for athletes at all levels. Whether you're a professional aiming for the next gold medal or a recreational player seeking to improve your game, our services are designed to boost your mental strength and therefore your athletic performance.

With years of experience working with athletes from various sports, we understand the challenges you face and how to overcome them.

Sports psychotherapists use a range of techniques tailored to these issues, helping athletes develop mental resilience, enhance performance, and achieve personal growth both on and off the field. Each session is customized to meet your individual needs, helping you achieve not just athletic excellence but also personal growth.



Sports-related psychotherapy can be beneficial for a variety of issues that athletes might face, which generally fall under the psychological, emotional, and social aspects of their sports involvement. Here are some common issues that might lead someone to seek sports psychotherapy:

  • Performance Anxiety: Fear of performing poorly or not meeting expectations can cause significant stress and anxiety, which might hinder an athlete's ability to perform optimally.

  • Focus and Concentration Problems: Difficulty in maintaining focus during training or competition can affect performance and result in frustration and dissatisfaction.

  • Motivation Issues: Fluctuations in motivation, including loss of purpose or passion for the sport, can affect performance and ongoing participation.

  • Confidence Issues: Low self-confidence or self-esteem, often exacerbated by poor performance or negative feedback, can limit an athlete’s potential and enjoyment of the sport.

  • Burnout and Overtraining: Feeling overwhelmed or physically and mentally exhausted from training too hard or too often can lead to burnout, which might require psychological intervention to manage.

  • Injury Recovery: Dealing with the psychological impact of a sports injury, such as depression, anxiety, or fear of re-injury, can be crucial for a successful return to sport.

  • Team Dynamics and Communication Issues: Problems with teammates, coaches, or within the broader organizational context can impact an athlete's mental health and performance.

  • Transition Challenges: Difficulties with transitions, such as moving from amateur to professional sports, dealing with retirement from sports, or shifting to a different role within their sport.

  • Personal Issues Affecting Performance: Issues in an athlete’s personal life, such as family stress, relationships, or academic pressures, can also impact their sports performance and mental well-being.

  • Substance Use: Addressing issues related to the use of performance-enhancing drugs or managing substance abuse problems that may affect performance and health.

Athlete Portrait

Sports-related psychotherapy can offer several positive outcomes for athletes, enhancing not just their performance in sports but also their overall well-being. Here are some of the beneficial outcomes that one can expect from engaging in sports psychotherapy:

·  Improved Mental Resilience: Athletes can develop stronger coping mechanisms to handle pressure, setbacks, and stress both in and out of the sports context.

·  Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Psychotherapy can help athletes improve their ability to concentrate during critical moments, leading to better performance during training and competitions.

·  Increased Confidence and Self-Belief: Therapy can boost an athlete’s self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to trust in their skills and abilities more consistently.

·  Better Anxiety Management: Athletes can learn strategies to manage and reduce anxiety, particularly performance anxiety, which can help them perform at their best under pressure.

·  Effective Goal Setting and Motivation: Therapists can assist athletes in setting realistic, achievable goals and finding sustainable sources of motivation to pursue those goals vigorously.

·  Enhanced Recovery from Injuries: Sports psychotherapy can aid in the psychological recovery from injuries, helping athletes deal with fears of re-injury, frustrations during recovery, and the mental strain of long-term rehabilitation.

·  Improved Team Dynamics and Relationships: Psychotherapy can provide tools for better communication and interpersonal skills, which are crucial for fostering a supportive team environment.

·  Successful Handling of Transitions: Athletes often face significant life transitions, such as moving from amateur to professional levels, changing teams, or retiring from sports. Psychotherapy can help manage these changes more effectively.

·  Resolution of Personal Issues: By addressing personal or emotional issues that may impact performance, athletes can find they perform better and enjoy their sports more.

·  Overall Well-being and Quality of Life: Sports psychotherapy focuses not only on sports performance but also on the athlete’s general mental health, leading to improved life satisfaction and personal development.

Young Gymnast

By working with a sports therapist, athletes can expect to gain insights and skills that not only enhance their sports performance but also improve their capacity to handle life’s challenges more broadly.

Take the first step towards achieving your sporting goals. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. Our friendly staff are ready to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on the path to mental toughness and peak performance.

Since 2000, I have provided a number of specialized therapeutic services to those dealing with challenging life experiences. Patient well-being is my number one priority, and I go above and beyond to help them through all their obstacles. Get in touch with me today for more information.


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